How to use Carousel Posts to get engagement & sales on Instagram
Let's be honest, the Instagram algorithm changes as often as fashion trends.
But just like fashion trends, some things stay the same.
You should always offer content that serves your ideal client, is consistent with your values, and further engages your ideal client's attention and interest.
It doesn't matter what type of content it is if you have those tenants at the core of all you create, the algorithm changes won't touch your growth and success.
So how do we offer compelling content that serves our ideal client audience AND keeps us in alignment with the current algorithm preferences?
I'm so glad you asked!
Until more recently, reels were the best way to reach new folks in Instagram, grow your audience, and build brand recognition and strength.
I use reels, I really enjoy making reels, I’d suggest that you use them too, AND —
Although they are still an incredible tool to reach your ideal client audience, they are not the only way and honestly, they aren't the content that Instagram is prioritizing as we move into Q2 of 2023.
If you haven’t started using carousel posts, let this be the moment that you start investigating and incorporating them into your social media strategy.
These are an incredible tool to add rich value and to keep your audience intrigued.
And if your audience is intrigued, there will be more engagement, more conversation, more followers, and more growth.
What is a carousel post?
It's a post that has two or more images that you slide through. It's like a mini presentation of information delivered directly through Instagram.
How do I create carousel post images?
There are so many platforms that you could use to create carousel posts, I love Canva and would encourage you to start there.
If you don't already have a Canva account, go to canva.com and create a FREE account (although eventually I recommend paying for an account).
- click on the purple plus mark
- click on "Custom Size"
- enter 1080 width, 1280 height px
- the templates option will open with your new document - use the search function to look for "carousel Instagram posts"
- find a template that you like, choose it, personalize it, download it via your phone and then post it on Instagram with a juicy caption
Why is this a great post option?
Instagram wants you to keep people in their app for longer AND they want to see that the content you're offering is engaging for their audience.
Carousel posts are great for both purposes.
Once someone stops their scroll to read your first carousel slide, they are showing the algorithm that your content is something they're interested in. Then they swipe and read the next slide. And then again.
This keeps your audience on your content for longer than most other forms of content.
So not only is it positive for you, intriguing and engaging your audience, but it also shows Instagram that you're offering content that people want to see, so they'll push it out to more people looking for the kind of content you're offering.
Not sure where to start or what to create a carousel about?
Here are some hooks you can use to start drumming up content to offer with your next carousel post:
Simple ways to do ___ for FREE (example: simple ways to clean your handmade jewelry for FREE)
4 hacks to create great __ (example: 4 hacks to create great content)
This tiny habit change creates exponential results
No one is talking about __ strategy
You need this FREE tool for __
3 ___ I wish I knew earlier (example: 3 virtual business tools I wish I knew earlier)
And if you're still looking for guidance to level up your business growth using Instagram, check out my monthly membership community, Instagram Growth Lab, where you get two live trainings a month, on-demand trainings, mentorship, guidance, and a community of other like-minded women entrepreneurs looking to use social media in a way that doesn't feel icky.
If you're looking for coaching and direct guidance to help you grow your reach on Instagram so you can increase your income, Instagram Growth Lab is the monthly membership community for you.