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Who knew you’d start a business and have to learn how to use Instagram as a marketer and creator, too?


I know how exhausting, frustrating, and overwhelming it can feel to try to keep up with what's going on with Instagram, the changes to the algorithm, and the ways in which you can grow your followers, get more engagement, and make consistent sales WHILE ALSO TRYING to do the work you need to do IN your business.

Trying to figure out how to use Instagram to grow your followers, your engagement, and your sales doesn't have to be overwhelming anymore...


you just need someone to show you what the hell to focus on —

so you can get back to working IN your business!

Good thing that's my job!

Hi, there!

My name is Emily Tosoni

Seriously, that's my job. To teach you the strategy that matters when it comes to attracting your ideal clients on Instagram, turning them into followers, intriguing them enough to join your email list, and nurturing your connection with them until they are ready to give you their money as a paying client.

After a few years of trying to grow my well-established business using Instagram during the pandemic, I finally invested in social media coaching and guidance so I could focus my attention on what actually mattered instead of trying to catch up on trends all the time.

From there I created my signature program, Instagram Growth Lab, for women service-based business owners so I could teach you how to use Instagram strategically to market yourself, your business, and your brand.

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