$248.50 USD

2 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Pair your Strategy Coaching call with an individualized

Instagram Profile Audit


This audit will give you detailed instructions so you can update your Instagram profile strategically so that your ideal client can find you, follow you, and start paying to work with you.



1-on-1 Strategy Coaching (90 minutes via Zoom + 3 weeks via Telegram)

After your purchase you'll receive an email and from there you'll be able to pick a time for us to meet.


In this 1-on-1 strategy coaching session we'll come up with an Instagram strategy that works for you. I'll help you bring clarity to any frustrations or mental blocks that are stopping you from reaching your full potential on Instagram.


How I layout the structure of this Zoom session:

  1. Help you narrow down your ideal client and your niche
  2. Come up with keywords and phrases related to your ideal client's needs, pain points, desired outcomes, etc.
  3. Strategy for content creation
  4. Create a posting schedule that's sustainable for you


Most people feel most equipped to rock their Instagram strategy after booking 2-3 one hour sessions with me. So I suggest booking your second session about three weeks after your first session to follow up with that accountability.


I'm going to be honest with you and help you identify your blind spots so you can walk away with practical and sustainable strategies that you can start implementing right away.


When you're my client, you have access to me during business hours to ask questions as you're applying the strategy that I teach you. I look forward to getting to know you and helping you elevate your presence on Instagram.


No-Show Policy: No refunds.

If you do not show up in the first 15 minutes of the call, the appointment will be marked "no-show" and you will need to pay the full price to book another session. If you are running late to the meeting, these rules can be flexible if you notify me ahead of time.