$297.00 USD

OPTIONAL ORDER ADD ON: Instagram Growth Lab, $49 a month


Using Instagram to grow your small business doesn't have to be overwhelming or frustrating.


This monthly membership community includes:

- 2 LIVE monthly trainings on Zoom with time for Q&A, allowing you to lt each call with actionable steps you can implement right away

Training topics based on your actual questions and trouble areas, so it's info that you can use immediately

- Access to a private Facebook group to share ideas, collaborate, grow with, and learn from other women small business owners

- Each call is recorded because we all have full schedules, so you'll always be able to refer back as long as you have an active membership

- VIP discounts for all my other trainings and course offerings


Stories That Sell: How To Sell In Your Instagram Stories On Repeat


Show up in your stories with a strategy that will increase your sales so that you can create a consistent income using Instagram

In Stories That Sell you're gonna learn:

  • strategy for how to post in your stories without being on Instagram all day
  • what to post in your stories to get your followers to engage and how to get them into your DMs
  • strategy for conversation in the DMs to get info about your offers to your ideal client(s)
  • overall strategy for how to build your brand (that's you) reputation so that your ideal client feels like they know, like, and trust you, which is the stepping stone to them being ready to buy from you

What you'll get:

  • access to 30 days of content prompts and explanations for each prompts for your Instagram Stories
  • video modules that give you detailed guidance for each day and each prompt
  • Q&A access within the portal to help you nail down any questions that still exist as you're implementing

What People Are Saying:

The prompts were great! They were specific enough to give me direction, but general enough to make me feel flexible in what I did.

Lea (5-Day Stories Challenge student)

I noticed we have 5 new followers just after changing out headline name on Instagram after being stagnant for weeks! Thank you for the suggestion!

Tiffany (1:1 Strategy Coaching client)

I increased my followers (after I complained they weren't increasing, lol) I did more reels this week. One reel is currently at 10,441 accounts reached on IG and it had more likes than I have ever received and 9 saves. So I guess the moral of the story is to be consistent with your posts, which is what I did this week!

Kathy (Instagram Growth Lab student)

Hey! I wanted to let you know that I have been pretty consistent since your challenge and have gotten new followers every day since! I just had a company reach out to me to do a brand collaboration. So thank you for the kick in the pants!

Savannah (5-Day Stories Challenge student)

The course helped me figure out what my business is, who is the ideal client, and taught me it's okay to pivot when things aren't feeling right. What I got was more than social media knowledge!

Ali (Attraction Equation student)

So it happened again. Out of the blue two discovery calls booked in. Less than 3 days I got 2 people who only just found me no ads all natural want my help!

Amy (Attraction Equation student)